
On a mission to help America's active duty military, guard & reserve citizen-soldiers, Veterans and military families learn to code and build software to change the world.

Presenter Name:

Missions and Goals

  1. Software Mentorship
  2. Scholarships
  3. Employer Services
  4. Advocacy


What is the purpose of a mentor?

How do I get one?


We help bridge the gap between the VA and Code Schools and Code Conferences

Employer Services

  1. Resume Support
  2. Placement Services
  3. Apprenticeship
  4. Veteran Network for Skill Sets

How do we do this?

By remaining decentralized and maintaining a world wide presence.

We hope to ensure that your GI bill is accredited at every school.

Operation Code assists veterans with the paperwork and enrollment.

We want to see you succeed.


  • "We will defend" veterans from predators and scams from non-legitimate Code Schools.
  • We ensure Code Schools are legitimate.
  • Code Schools are non-regulated. We aide in navigating the waters.

Nationwide Fundraisers

Start Now!

  • The earlier you start, the sooner you can make the transition.

What are your long term goals?

  • This is important to write down.
  • These may change as you learn, but it will help give you direction.


Follow us on Twitter for announcements and potentially-relevant retweets about Operation Code and our military/veterans coder community.

Care to chat?

Operation Code Slack Channel


Thank you


Looking for more events?

Check out our Meetup.


Did we miss anything?

Slides are on GitHub. PRs welcome!
